Current Projects
Eagle Scout Project
Robert has been in Scouting for the past 6 years. He enjoys cycling, camping, kayaking, hiking, paddle boarding, tinkering with anything mechanical, and trail running. As he started thinking about his Eagle Scout project, he reach out to an employee, Renee Stiltner, about doing a project for Kids Like Us/Impact Community Center. Robert met with Lisa and together they soon came up with a plan that would benefit the kids at the center. That is where Robert had first met Justin. Robert had not had much interaction with special needs children before. Renee had made a game night for the scout troop to come visit the center, and get to know some of the kids,which he attended along with other Scouts. As he became more involved with the center, and learned more about children with special needs, he became more excited about his project. He realized that he could benefit the children in a special way by making a music wall, benches , and a bug hotel for the center. As he started to draw up plans for his project, he took into consideration the size and sounds that would need to be incorporated. After 3 months of planning, preparing, prepping, building, and lots of paperwork, his project was underway and soon completed. Congratulations Robert on a job well done.
Paint the Pathways
The Enchanted Community Garden is ergonomically designed for the community. It is designed to serve those with special needs as well as the community in the skill of hosting workshops, events, and a day-out program.
“Paint the Path” is an innovative activity for anyone. It is perfect for seniors, high school students, groups, or individuals. We have three options for you to paint. Each piece will play an important role in the garden of telling a story and reflecting a memory.
There are two ways to participate:
KLU will have scheduled events to come out, paint a paver onsite, and meet up with new friends or mingle with friends you know from the community. These dates will be posted on the website and sent home with children in flyers.
If you are a group or would like to get a group of 10 or more together, we will arrange for a private painting party. Bring your favorite snacks and drink and come on out for an evening of fun. (church groups, civic clubs, families, children’s groups, therapy groups, etc.)
This event is fun, creative, and affordable, and it creates a legacy while uniting our community to create beautiful pathways within the community gardens. The garden is a wonderful place to spend good quality time with your family. It supports mental health, and nibbling on a fresh vegetable can also be fun!
Fall is upon us. Come out with your marshmallows and chocolate, and make some s’mores to snack on while drinking some hot chocolate.
If you are interested in coming out for a paint party as a group, please contact us for details, and we will schedule a time that is best for you. If you are a local school, we will deliver pavers and pick them back up for students. We hope that you are willing to show your talents.
There are three options for pavers:
8x10 in. Paver - $5.00
Brick Paver - $3.50
10 Rocks - $5.00

8x10 in. Paver - $5.00

Brick Paver - $3.50

10 Rocks - $5.00

We supply paint and materials at the party or scheduled events on site. Please use patio paint if painting on your own. If you would like to pick up a paver and bring it back, that is great as well.